We are so thankful and privileged to have the Stollery Children’s Hospital right here in Edmonton, Alberta.
The Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation raises money in support of the pursuit of excellence in children’s health care and supports positive impacts on the lives of children and their families.
This summer, eLiasz and eLLa Jewelry chose to support the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation with an in-kind gift of $1,260.00 to help fund people, programs, equipment and research in support of sick kids.
The Stollery is a full-service pediatric hospital and centre for complex pediatric care and research established in 2001. The Stollery is the only specialized healthcare facility for infants, children and youth in central and northern Alberta. The Stollery has among the highest inpatient volumes of any children’s hospital in Canada, and serves a geographical area of over 500,000 km.*
Over 40 per cent of the children treated at the Stollery are from outside the Edmonton area; the hospital services patients coming from northern British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nunavut, Yukon and Northwest Territories.*
As a Canadian company headquartered in Western Canada, serving customers coast-to-coast, we choose to partner with organizations like the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation (Alberta) and Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation (Ontario), supporting the most vulnerable in our communities, especially kids.
We thank Mike House, President and CEO, Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation and the entire Board of Trustees for the kind acknowledgement of our commitment to sick kids.
A special THANK YOU for all front-line health care workers who are working tirelessly in our hospitals and clinics during this exceptional time in our history, putting the most vulnerable first. On behalf of our entire eLiasz and eLLa Jewelry team, thank you so much for everything you do!
With the growing support from our customers, partners, and supporters, we will continue to do as much as we can, in our own unique way, to help others in need.
Thank you to all of our amazing customers for your choice of e&e, enabling us to support organizations that make a difference in our communities.
Kristen Mackie, Owner
eLiasz and eLLa Jewelry Inc.
*Information from Alberta Health Services and the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation

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